Who are we?
- Christ Centered - Saint James understands Her identity through Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins in which He offers. We find our salvation and faith firmly founded in Jesus Christ, the Word of God and the Sacraments which flow from Him.
- Holy Scripture - We believe, teach, and confess that the only rule and norm according to which all teachings, together with all teachers, should be evaluated and judged are the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and New Testament alone.
- Lord's Supper - We believe, teach, and confess that in the Holy Supper Christ's body and blood are truly and essentially present, and that they are truly distributed and received with the bread and wine.
- Holy Baptism - We believe, teach, and confess that Holy Baptism is for all who desire to be saved of all ages and nations; from infants to elderly and everyone in between. Matthew 28:19-20
- Family Oriented – Saint James enjoys the participation of Christians of all ages. The body of Christ is made up of many different people from all ages, backgrounds, and histories.
Saint James was established as a worshipping community in 1906. We have been serving the Lord and receiving His gifts at our present location since 1907.
Saint James subscribes to the Book of Concord (The Lutheran Confessions) and all its writings as a true explanation of Holy Scripture.
God Creates. God Forgives. God Sustains.
A body of believers in the body of Christ
Forgiven by Christ. Living in Christ.
We understand worship as Divine Service... meaning God serving us. God serves us through His Holy Word and His Holy Sacraments. We begin each worship service in the Name the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We confess our sin and receive holy absolution through Jesus Christ. Forgiveness from our Lord is essential to understanding our identity.
Saint James Evangelical Lutheran Church has been established to proclaim Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection and provide shelter for God's people in the ever changing tides of this wild world. As Lutherans, we believe, teach, and confess that the Holy Scriptures are indeed true and good for teaching, preaching, rebuking, and study.
We subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions, agreeing that they are a true explanation of the Holy Scriptures. We worship using the Lutheran Service Book as our hymnal, following the tradition and heritage of the Church before us.
We believe that we find life in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we proclaim His Good News of the Gospel, which is forgiveness of sins through His life, death, and resurrection. We are strengthened in faith through the hearing of God's Word and communion of the Lord's Supper. We hear the everlasting Word of God during worship, which creates and sustains faith. Through Baptism we are washed from our sin and reborn as a Child of God. The faith that we receive from the Lord works in us and through us to proclaim Jesus Christ to the world.
our Pastor & Staff
Rev. Eric Z. Bednash

image coming soon...
Gary Barth